Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blog anniversary

WOW! I can't believe I've been blogging everyday for a whole year! I have really enjoyed sharing my cards and recipes with everyone. It's been alot of fun.

When I started, I decided to give it a year...posting daily...and then decide if I wanted to continue. I had thought of switching to a food blog too. After thinking about it I decided to keep my blog the way it is. The only change will be the daily posting. I'll try to post as often as I can, but I may miss a day here or there. It's been a challenge to come up with something every single day!

Tonite is card club so I'll be posting our creations soon!


  1. Man, a year goes fast! Well, I won't complain if the posts aren't everyday. I understand there is a life outside of blogland. But I love your blog, your cards, and your recipes, so keep going {please}.

  2. I've just recently "discovered" your blog and just love it! Your cards are great and inspiring and love the recipes! Keep posting as you have time!

  3. Con'grats Laurie on the Anniversary! Exciting and a great miles stone... :)
