Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blue Willow Lemonade

When our daughter graduated from college, we took her on a trip down south. One of our favorite places we ate at was the famous Blue Willow restaurant in Georgia. It's in a beautiful old southern mansion.While we waited for our table {which can take hours..that day it took about one} they served lemonade. This was so good... we were hot and tired that day waiting...and it really hit the spot. They cheat a bit and use Country Time as their base. Paula's Lady and Sons does not...they use all fresh squeezed. I decided to go with the Blue Willow for the wedding as it was a bit less time consuming. Doesn't it look refreshing in these mason jar mugs? And how about in this container? Brent borrowed this from a friend. I love it. It's all glass and so pretty! It was fun decorating the piece underneath. I couldn't decide what to put in there...flowers floating in water....sand and shells...lemon slices...so many options! Jenny decided on flowers...so pretty.


  1. I love lemonade. I'll be the extra sugar and lemon juice are an excellent combination. Those serving containers look gorgeous. You put a lot of work into that wedding!

  2. Laurie : you have to go check out this site on my blog under my links I go to called Signed with Ink she made a lemonade card it would match your set perfectly it is so cute!! I wish I was up there with you and that cool weather~

