Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gift bag

Good morning! What a beautiful day! I haven't had much time to stamp lately, so I'm sharing another bag I made. This one I planned more as a masculine gift bag. The colors would work for anybody though...I was trying to stay away from flowers for the guys. I bet you're wondering why I am making all these bag in a boxes. My sister-in-law asked me to make some for her employees at work. I saved pictures of them to share this week as I knew I wouldn't be getting much stamping done.
My son and I are headed out today to do some shopping before he goes back to college. Yes...Brent and I will be empty nesters again. It's been such a great summer with our daughters wedding and then having him home. It went by too quickly!

I always get a bit sad when things are over. I found this great plaque at the gift shop I work at...it says...

Have a fun day!


  1. These bags are neat. I'm glad you took pictures of all of them. I'm glad that you had a good summer. But I'm sorry that you're sad to see your son go. You are such a sweet mom!

  2. What a great gift bag.

    I like the plaque sentiment too.
