Sunday, September 13, 2009

So good!

Cara-Choco Bars are delish! Brent brought this recipe home a long time ago from work. He's always bringing home recipes...but they are always LOADED with calories! I saved this one for a time when I knew we'd have company to make them. Good thing too or we'd eat the whole pan!


Stamp and Smile said...

These bars look VERY YUMMY! And I'm looking for a new recipe for my hubby's hunting trip coming up... Perfect! "Fantastic" recipe card Laura, as usual!! :)

Becca said...

OH, these sound so good!!! I can't wait to try them for a chocolate fix.

Dale Marie said...

I was baking today and wished I had tried these yummy squares...there's always next week.
Your banner photo is so beautiful Laurie. Are you that far north that the leaves are changing colour already or is this a shot from last year?
I love Autumn!

laurie said...

Dale, Our leaves ARE starting to turn up here... but this photo as many that I have on my header are from Jim Brekke. He shares his work on Flicker...I love his photos from up north. They are of familiar places to me and always capture the beauty that surrounds us up here! Laurie