Bread box

I was over on the scor-pal site and saw a tutorial for a bread box holder. It holds a small loaf of dessert bread. I made some pumpkin bread this weekend {for church} and tried it out for size. It fit perfectly! What a great idea for small gifts, or for craft fairs, or just to run over to a neighbor. I think I'll make up several of these to keep on hand.

Paper: SU kiwi kiss, urban garden

Ink:SU black

Stamps: SU best yet

Other: SU kiwi kiss satin ribbon, scallop edge punch, scallop circle punch, circle punch

Pumpkin Bread

3 c. flour

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. salt

3 tsp. cinnamon

2 c. sugar

2 c. pumpkin

4 eggs, beaten

1 and 1/4 c. oil

1/2 c. chopped nuts, optional

Place all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix together well. Make a deep well in the center and add all other ingredients. Stir gently until combined. Pour into greased loaf pans. Makes 2 large. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.


Becca said...

That looks great! I saw this tutorial on their site, but haven't tried it yet. What size loaf did you end up putting in there? It seems to fit perfectly.

laurie said...

Hi Rebecca! It was a 5" loaf pan I think. I measured the bottom of the pan. It was pretty small...but just the right size for a gift! Laurie

Stef said...

So Cute! You amaze me with all the fun stuff you make!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, I can't believe how cute these bread boxes are! I might have to hire you to make me a few! After I perfect making banana bread...haven't done so good in the past. I made some mini cupcakes for V-day, mostly for Brian but I gave some to Margo too. I had been anxious to use the set that Brian bought me for Xmas...Boy, he's glad he did. Picking out the cute mini muffin liners is the best! Its all about the presentation!

Jennifer said...

I would love to make these for my SIL for Easter. However I don't have a Scor-Pal. On the first step it says to line it up with the 3/4" mark and then score at 3 1/2". How would I score this with just a regular paper cutter/score tool? Thanks!
