Rootin' Tootin' Yew Years Eve

Brent and I headed to a surprise 50th Birthday party on New Year Eve in our home town for his brother. Pretty clever way to disguise it with a New Years Eve party. {His actual birthday is the 1st.} It was alot of fun to see everyone again! I came up with this gift after seeing it on Stefs blog {under November} The photo just didn't come out well, but I was in a hurry, and you get the idea. Instead of root beer, I put in root beer schnapps with the can of chili and beans. I'm glad he didn't down both that nite! Here's what the tag looked like:


Becca said...

What a cute idea! I hope he got a good laugh out of it!

Pia said...

Hilarious!!! What a cute gift! I so needed this back in July for my friend's 57th birthday (we celebrated BIG because his last name is Heinz... hence, "Heinz 57"!).