
..for the Lemonade Stand Award Whitney! {} Now I get to name 5 people who inspire me with their great ideas and tips. Here they are:

1. Holly. I remember calling her up one day after seeing an SU catty to ask her about "stamping." She invited me over and showed me a few basics and away I went....! She has started posting regularly and I love checking out what she is making. You can check her out here.

2. Lorri. Since I found out about blogging a few years ago, I check her site often. She always has great ideas!

3.Kara. She has 2 sites I check out...I actually found her food one first....bonus....she also does crafts! You can find her awesome recipes here.

4.Wendy. I love her cards...lots of inspiration here!

5. Julie. She always has good ideas! Check her out

The rules of this award (To pick up the Lemonade stand):-
Comment on this blog. Cut & Paste the award logo and use it in your own blog.-
Nominate 5 -10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.-
Link to your nominees within your blog post.-
Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.-
Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation!


Stamp and Smile said...

Con'grats on the award Laurie!! So deserving and I ALWAYS look forward to your stunning creations and recipes!! Have a super weekend and enjoy this cool day.. Before the heat is on! :) Michelle

Becca said...

Your blog is so fun, I always love to stop in here. I'll be back to check out your links later!