Caramel Topping

I love homemade ice cream mom and I used to make this as she always had the ingredients on hand while I was growing up. It came from a 4H recipe book.... she was a food leader for our club. It's so simple and easy for kids to make. I remember in 4H when we made this for dessert with our homemade spaghetti meal when I was about 10. It only takes a minute..and is so nice warm on top of some vanilla ice cream. We had some last's what it looks like:
{On the recipe card it's supposed to say 2 tsp. corn syrup..I used a small t. which is a bad habit of mine.... I use a large T. for tablespoon too, when I am copying recipes.}

This recipe goes into "My Moms Recipes" scrapbook I am making for myself. I made a small one for my daughter and my sister a few years ago. My mom passed away many years ago and I treasure all of her recipes. I'm so happy she spent so much time with me teaching me how to cook!


Lorri said...

My eyes are ALWAYS drawn to whatever recipe you post, but why do I STOP WHAT I'M DOING and copy the recipe when it is the sweet, SINFUL ONES??? Thanks for sharing!Good grief, I have all the ingredients may be an ice cream night at our house tonight!

Unknown said...

MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Caramel is my favorite. I'm going to keep this recipe. That ice cream looks yummy and what a special tribute to your Mom to keep her recipes going through the generations ~ your children will be forever grateful. :o)

Jen Mitchell said...

I do the same thing when writing recipes: T for tablespoon and t for teaspoon. For some reason it seems logical. This one sounds really delicious. I think it will make it to my thanksgiving menu!

Becca said...

What a great recipe book this is going to be. I think it's a great tribute to your mom!