
Scraps, scraps, and more scraps!

I'm still using pieces of past projects to make cards. The DP is some retired SU. The top note from a bunch I cut out a few years ago, and the mittens were cut using my cricut last Christmas.

I thought I had enough Christmas cards for this year, but actually need a few more, so I've been trying to use what I already have.

Just a few more......and I can get them in the mail!


Ann Summerville said...

Your banner is beautiful.

HappyPlaceJen said...

You sure are making the most of what supplies you have on hand, Laurie! Crafty gold star for you! Your Christmas cards have all been so nice. Your recipients will love 'em! :) ~Jen http://happyplaceforjen.blogspot.com/

Bonnie said...

What cute mittens and I'm all for using those scraps!

Viv said...

Cute card, love the layout too :O) Viv xx

Aileen said...

Love your mittens. Isn't it great to use up scraps? x