Template for the treat purse

Here is the template I promised for the treat purse.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRls3xvTdbwpjxlwQC30lXHhoNsO_JSuhpu6R_fri4OJj1QACQUPqjqYb3Cq_jZgPOXjr-bjnk_Esti5Fb6mRHVm0e7pjFx_daI3V_-lMSZ8heqmge5fbW_G7cpFI2CHJ2t1XiLj58R_g/s1600-h/ScanImage002.jpg I was unable to get my scanner going today, but I did find a website that has the pattern for the treat purse! My pattern was from a workshop I attended awhile ago, but this is similar. The blog is http://valitasfreshfolds.blogspot.com/ Look under templates for the purse she made. She has lots of other interesting things on her blog too.

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