Happy Fathers Day

Good Morning! I decided to play with the Eight Great Greetings stamp set and made this Fathers day card. I started with some chocolate chip and Kraft card stock and added some of the textured Parisian Breeze. I did some layering and thought the card was too heavy on one side, so I added the baja breeze leaves. It did the trick and now looks more balanced. I like these colors together and have been making alot of projects with them lately. Have a happy Friday!


Becca said...

I love that you added the leaves on the side. This is an awesome Father's Day card! I love the colors and textures together.

Liz said...

Your card is an inspiration to those of us who have trouble making it all work ! LOL.......... You have done a marvelous job.

Lorelie Kim said...

BEAUTIFUL card!! Love your layers and color combo!!

Susan (peebsmama) said...

FABULOUS Dad's day card. Love the layering and the patterned paper.

Stamp and Smile said...

Just spotted this gem! Love the layout and colors... GREAT Father's Day card!! :)

Wendy J. said...

LOVE this!