Just Married Signs

Here are the signs I made for the pontoon and the car for my daughters wedding. Thanks to my friend Peg for cutting the letters and images out on her cricut. All I had to do was glue it all down. Really made me want a cricut again. I gave mine to my daughter and she loves it for her scrap booking. Hmmm. I'm thinking I see a Cricut Expression in my future! How many months till Christmas?


Diane said...

Your signs are awesome!Have a super time....

Anonymous said...

oh..they were beautifully designed with an excel in designs...and colors
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Becca said...

I love the signs. They look awesome! I have been tempted to sell my cricut lately. I don't use it as much as I used to since I've been doing my scrapbooking digitally. I told my husband about my plan and gave him a good laugh.