It's time for some sun!

Time to dig out those flip flops....we have SUN up north!

Everywhere one goes it seems people are SO happy. You can just see the difference in everybodies faces It's good to see kids playing outside, joggers, and families out for walks enjoying the warmer weather. 

 It has been such a long, cold winter here,  we weren't sure spring would EVER come. While most of us do like some snow, we had more than enough this winter!

When warmer weather arrives up north, out come the shorts and sandals IMMEDIATELY, even if it's still chilly. While I haven't gotten my shorts out yet, I did break out my sandal's and short sleeves...and it feels good!

Once again for this card, I reached for my scrap box and grabbed a few pieces. I had the flip flops laying on my desk from anther project, and just added a sentiment from Close to my Heart.

Have a sunny day!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have some warm weather!

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute card, I love the flip flops!

Aileen said...

Love the design of your card. We had some sun and I thought about my flip flops but that's as far as it got! x